Aixsponza Corporate Identity

Since 2006 Aixsponza has been producing full CG animations, channle brandings, channel branding, commercials and motion-graphics for worldwide leading brands like BMW, Audi and Red Bull, with a team of designers and technology geeks. Having been freelancing for them as a motion designer since the very early days of Aixsponza I also got commissioned now […]
Zeixs is featuring my logo artwork
Zeixs publishing released his third logo compendium book with 5 differnet logo artworks of me inside.
New Maxon Cinema 4D logo animation
I´m happy that I could do the new logo animation for Maxon to presenting their #CINEMA4D product line right now at the NAB in Las Vegas and for future releases. With CINEWARE in the new After Effects MAXON is going to improve your compositing workflow into a new dimension. Be excited for future announcement… Watch […]
[vimeo video_id=”30686427″ width=”650″ height=”365″ title=”No” byline=”No” portrait=”No” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”c9ff23″] I had the honor to design the new Cinema 4D logo with the team of Aixsponza. Manuel was invited for a pitch in Oktober 2010 to represent ideas for a new redesign. In the very first phase we did a wide range of possible ideas […]
Icon Design for Scooby Cam Tools 5
C4D Jack has released the new Scooby Cam Tools 5. It provides powerful tools for camera animation and for the simulation of hand-held cameras. During the beta testing phase I was invited to create two new icons for the plugin tags.
Maxon announced Cinema 4D R13
Today Maxon announced the 13th version of Cinema4D which is scheduled to ship in September. But in the meantime, I will introduce my favorite new features every week. Not only the major ones – also the tiny but really lovely ones. One big and very obvious change I am going to talk about is the […]
The cult beer garden “Anderland” in nuremberg close his doors after 26 years sommer season beer business. But in 2010 it will open on a new place in nuremberg with a new fresh carrier. I designed a fantasy branding to communicate the move for the next sommer season in 2010.
In the rokmek project i was responsible for the interface concept and corporate design for a new climbing multimedia magazine. I developed a simple striking branding, in a yellow black color scheme.
Brock Sound Corporate Design
Corporate Design for Bastian Brocks bROCK Sound