[vimeo video_id=”32306072″ width=”650″ height=”365″ title=”No” byline=”No” portrait=”No” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”c9ff23″] SoHo is the name of a new premium general entertainment channel that SKY NEW ZELAND is launching at the end of October 2011. As part of the SoHo launch, SKY is delighted to confirm an exclusive content deal with Home Box Office (HBO), a multi-year, […]

ZOOM Broadcast Design

This showpackage i did for the cologne studio eberweinpardeike . They were requested for the broadcast design for the new german TV Show called “zoom” on Super RTL. “zoom” is a starmagazin for kids about news and schmooze from celebrities like Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and the new “Karate Kid” Jaden Smith. I had 3 […]

Mc Donalds Monopoly

I did this 11sec 3d animation for the McDonalds Monopoly campaign in Oktober 2009 at the munich based motion design studio aixsponza. After the main concept was kicked by the client, i had 5 day´s left for a new concept and animation till the end of the deadline. The spot was broadcasted during November and […]

Easybank Commercial Austria

Spot for the austrian commercial bank “Easybank”. I was involved in the pitch for that project with some styleframes. After Aixsponza got this job  did all the floral elements and some camera moves.