[devider size=”full” thickness=”1px” ][column_row][one_third bg=]”Penumbra” is about a schizophrenic murderer, who has killed his wife without comprehension. Driven by appetite for vengeance he searches for for the murderer of his wife, his own dark side. He’s living in a state of permanent confusion and fear while he’s trying to understand his own condition and the events around him. Finally the hopeless hunt leads him to his wifes destiny.[/one_third]
[one_third bg=]The base and reference for animation were serial photos in rudimental setups to catch shapes, motions and higjhlights. An extensive library of organic and elemental textures was made to fill the rotoscoped characters, their smoothed eposed highlights and the enviroment. 3D-Architectures and in 3D-Space arranged layers provide the flat shaded elements with depth and focus. A complex interlocking and tricky transitions allows flowing motiondesign without a cut. [/one_third]
[one_third_last bg=]
Animation Sermin Kaynak, Ingo Walde, Tobias Wiesner
Music Alex Bayer (Bass), Michael Sieberth (Trumpet), Christian Steuber (Saxophone), Radek Szarek (Drums)
Foley Artist Martin Simoner, Matthias Hofer
Cast Stefan Neumeier (Victim & Killer), Lars Fischer (Slave), Julia Klaus (Mistress), Claudia Rafael (Dead Lady), Tobias Szabo (Crowd)