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[column_row][one_third bg=]I had the honor to design the new Cinema 4D logo with the team of Aixsponza. Manuel was invited for a pitch in Oktober 2010 to represent ideas for a new redesign. In the very first phase we did a wide range of possible ideas and designs. Manuel and I had a lot of fun to creatively rave for two week straight forward in the very first phase.[/one_third]

[one_third bg=]We´ve been working on the new logo design for over 6 months and created a new and fresh identity. At the end we tried to find a uniqe shape but didn´t want to lose the connection between the old an the new logo. This is a collection of the whole designs we did for the logo redesign.It was launched in august 2011 with the representation of the new R13 Version of Cinema 4D.[/one_third]

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Client Maxon
Project Cinema 4D Logo redesign
Design Studio Aixsponza
Lead Designer Manuel Casasola Merkle & Ingo Walde
Contributor Elisabeth Schlichtner, Patrick Schade,
Elisa Krenz
Sounddesign Lars Fischer
